
How to Deal with Unsold Chanel Handbags

How hard it is to imagine, but even the most successful design house finds himself has an extra stock in the end of the season. It is not exceptional for the House of Chanel, even though they are popular products, such as their 2.55 quilted bags (designed in 1955) that are still sold so well after the death of the iconic Coco Chanel. However, when some seasonal handbags are left, a plan to deal with inventory properly is firmly in place.

Chanel on the Cheap
Myths who circulate around the fashionable Internet forums assert Chanel never goes on sale. This is not true. The myth probably originates from other, high-end designers of handbags, such as Louis Vinton which historically does not put its pieces on sale.

However, please do not look for deeply discounted items from past years to be lurking, dusty, and in the back shelves. Items don't sell within a reasonable amount of time and will be promptly removed from the shelves.

No Charity Here
You might catch a rare sale item at the boutique or a grand deal at their export store. But you don't expect to encounter a Chanel handbag at a charity auction or to get one through a group such as Dress for Success. No leftover, seasonal handbags are donated to charity. According to Forbes, the Chanel is jointly owned by Alain Wertheimer and Gerard Wertheimer who are the grandsons of Coco Chanel's early partner named Pierre Wertheimer, and they keep their donations to charity and generally cash-based.

